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Leon is a philanthropist, motivational speaker, TV host, and best-selling author. Best known for his hit Netflix show, “The Kindness Diaries,” he has traveled the globe for over a decade, proving that kindness is the most transformational element in our daily lives.

Committed to his vision of inspiring audiences to feel the power of human connection, Leon visits schools around the world to help ensure student’s social, physical, and emotional well-being.

For younger readers


The GO BE KIND Adventure Booklets are lighthearted booklets rich in imagination, creativity, and purpose.

Leon, invites students (and educators) on a series of adventures that will help them discover the greatest human gift…

For older readers

Middle & High School

The GO BE KIND Adventure Booklets for older readers are engaging, immersive, and transformative.

Leon, invites older students (and educators) on a series of internal and external adventures that will help them discover the beauty of their own emotions.

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